Your Expertise is Killing Your Product

Why do smart product people make bad product decisions?

Estimated read time: 2 minutes 25 seconds

Experience, intelligence, and deep industry knowledge should lead to better product decisions. Yet often, they do exactly the opposite.

I've seen first time founders fall in to this trap repeatedly. The more they know about an industry or technology, the more likely they were to overcomplicate the solution. Some of their best product decisions came when they managed to get out of their own way.

Here are the hidden traps that catch even the most experienced product people:

The Complexity Trap

When you deeply understand a domain, you see all its nuances. You can envision edge cases, anticipate problems, and devise sophisticated solutions. This becomes a liability. You build for theoretical scenarios instead of common use cases. You add options that few need. You solve problems that rarely occur.

The best products are often embarrassingly simple. But simplicity feels like leaving work undone.

The "I Would Use This" Trap

There's a dangerous comfort in building for yourself. After all, you understand the problem space. But this creates a blind spot: building for your level of expertise rather than your users. You end up with products that would be perfect for industry insiders but confuse everyone else.

The Analysis Paralysis Trap

Domain expertise means seeing all sides of a problem. You can generate endless possibilities, considerations, and potential issues. This is great for analysis but terrible for progress. While you're considering every angle, simpler products are winning the market.

The Expertise Shield

Deep knowledge can make you defensive about your decisions. You can rationalize any choice, explain away any feedback, and construct logical arguments for your preferences. This makes you dangerous. You become immune to the market signals that should be reshaping your product.

The Intellectual Interest Trap

It's tempting to solve what's technically interesting rather than what's useful. To optimize for elegant architecture instead of user outcomes. To chase novel solutions when boring ones would work better.

Breaking Free from These Traps

  1. Embrace Constraints: Give yourself hard constraints on complexity. If you can't explain your product in one sentence, it's too complex.

  2. Watch, Don't Think: Instead of theorizing about what users might want, watch what they actually do. The market doesn't care about clever ideas – it cares about solved problems.

  3. Set Shipping Deadlines: Analysis paralysis dies in the face of deadlines. Ship before you're comfortable. Ship before it's perfect.

  4. Use Expertise as a Question Generator: Use your knowledge to identify what you don't know rather than defend what you think you know. The best product decisions often come from staying curious.

  5. Build for Normal: Constantly ask: "Would someone new to this space understand this?" If not, simplify.

Some of my best product decisions came from ignoring my instincts as an expert. The features I was most proud of intellectually often proved least valuable to users.

Remember: Users don't care about your expertise. They care if your product solves their problem.

Your knowledge should inform your product decisions, not drive them.